Releasing March 19th, 2024!

This Book Is Cheaper Than Therapy: A No-Nonsense Guide to Improving Your Mental Health
Any of this sound familiar?
You’re curious about starting therapy but lack the resources and access to care.
You’re thinking about improving your mental health but aren’t sure where to start?
This book offers practical tools that you can use today to get your life back on track!
Over the past few years, more people have been talking about mental health, and many are interested in going to therapy. This is good news! But unfortunately, therapy remains out of reach for many due to the cost and lack of access to licensed therapists.

Liz wrote This Book Is Cheaper Than Therapy: A No-Nonsense Guide to Improving Your Mental Health as a down-to-earth and funny resource for those who would like to access the benefits of therapy but face barriers to obtaining mental health treatment. This book is also for individuals in therapy who would like a guide to get more out of their sessions. This Book Is Cheaper Than Therapy helps you explore and reflect on topics like:
Identifying values to create a more meaningful life
Finding and maintaining healthy relationships
Finding options for affordable and quality mental health care
What real self-care is {and isn’t!}
Identifying and challenging your inner critic
Recognizing and managing emotions
Implementing and upholding healthy boundaries
Dealing with loss and grief
The connection between your mind and body